

Notification of nuisance caused by waves
Form for reporting nuisance caused by waves from passing ships 
Permission for upstream/downstream navigation Form for requesting permission for upstream/downstream navigation or removal from or to Antwerp in accordance with GB 04-2022
Form for application for permission to upstream/downstream navigation from or to Braakman in accordance with GB 02-2024
Form of application for authorization for upstream/downstream navigation from or to Put van Terneuzen or Everingen in accordance with GB 03-2024
Form of application for permission to upstream/downstream navigation from or to Flushing in accordance with  GB 04-2012 and theNautical instructions
Form for application for permission to upstream/downstream navigation via the Westsluis from or to Kanaal Gent - Terneuzen in accordance with GB 05-2017
Special and abnormal transports Form for special or abnormal transports within the GNB area in accordance with GB 05-2019
Form if a preliminary consultation is required for special or abnormal transports within the GNB area in accordance with GB 05-2019
Events Form Form for a permit for an event on Scheldt and Belgian territory.
Passenger ships (sea cruises)
Form Form for ships with destination Scheldt quays Antwerp in accordance with GB 02-2023
Anchorage Oosterweel Form Form for obtaining a permit for anchorage Oosterweel
Sea Scouts Form for registration of Sea Scouts (Zandvliet)
Shore based Pilotage Form for registration captain records to recieve Shore based Pilotage in accordance with GB 05-2022


Questions about thise forms?

Joint Nautical Authority (GNA)
Scheldecoördinatiecentrum Vlissingen
Commandoweg 50
NL-4381 BH Vlissingen
Tel: +31 88-7980 760
Tel: +31 88-7980 758