Treaty on Joint Nautical Management (Middelburg 21 December 2005)

The Joint Nautical Management Treaty (JNM Treaty) is the culmination of an evaluation of the nautical collaboration between the Netherlands and Belgium/Flanders that started in 1839.   I establishes a solid modern base for a further fruitful and strong n collaboration between two nations. Its aim is to  further maintain and improve the level of safe and smooth traffic within an ever changing world of shipping, not in the least the increase of scale of many vessels.

Formal agreements  are laid down in the Treaty about:
  • the objectives of Joint Nautical Management
  • The area where the JNM is responsible for the tasks and assignments of the Permanent Committee
  • the tasks and assignments of the Joint Nautical Authority
  • the nautical chain management and amendments to the Scheldt Regulations

The implementation of the Treaty focuses on the following priority areas: 
  • the development of  practical details of nautical chain management
  • the drawing up of a precautionary  and curative safety plan for the Scheldt Area
  • the establishment of the exact area where the treaty is applicable
  • the official establishment of the Joint Nautical Authority and the Joint Nautical Secretariat